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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use and protect personal information.


The Company "Data Controller"


Pipeline Professional Services Limited, registered 50 Chatto Road, London SW11 6LL. 


Pipeline Professional Services Limited is registered with The ICO.



Person Data collected relates to the following categories of individuals:


  • Prospects, customer contacts, subscribers and users in respect of our services and website

  • Contacts of our service providers and business partners

  • Company employees and job applicants


How we collect and process your data?


  • All customer personal information is provided to Pipeline Professional Services Limited on a consensual basis by individuals who either contact us via email or telephone, or complete one of our forms. Our forms include the Contact Us from on or any forms that are required to be completed in order to access certain pieces of Pipeline content. We also exchange business cards at professional events, the details of which are uploaded to our CRM.

  • All supplier and partners provide personal information to us in order for us to conduct business. 

  • All employee and job applicant personal information is provided to us by the individuals in question for the purposes of their employment or the application for a job vacancy.

  • All personal information is held securely in accordance with GDPR regulations and our own Data Protection, Cyber Security and Data Incident Risk Reduction Policies.


What customer / prospect / subscriber data do we collect?


Pipeline Professional Services Limited is a B2B company and a such, we only collect personal information of a professional nature which is required to conduct our business.


  • Full Name

  • Job Title

  • Department

  • Corporate Email Address

  • Professional Telephone Number

  • Company Name

  • Company Sector

  • Company Size

  • Company Billing Address


What supplier / partner data do we collect?


Pipeline Professional Services Limited is a B2B company and a such, we only collect personal information of a professional nature which is required to conduct our business.


  • Full Name

  • Job Title

  • Department

  • Corporate Email Address

  • Professional Telephone Number

  • Company Name

  • Company Sector

  • Company Size

  • Bank Account Number

  • Bank Sort Code

  • Company Billing Address

  • Accounts Receivable Contact Email Address


What employee data do we collect?


  • Full Name

  • Home Address

  • Personal Email Address

  • Personal Phone Number

  • National Insurance Number

  • ID Number

  • Tax Code

  • Annual Earnings

  • Performance Records

  • Disciplinary Records


Sensitive Personal Information


‘Sensitive personal information’ is information about an individual that reveals their racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union membership, genetic information, biometric information for the purpose of uniquely identifying an individual, information concerning health or information concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation.


We do not knowingly or intentionally collect sensitive personal information from individuals, and you must not submit sensitive personal information to us.

If, however, you inadvertently or intentionally transmit sensitive personal information to us, you will be considered to have explicitly consented to us processing that sensitive personal information. When made aware of it, we will use and process your sensitive personal information for the purpose of deleting it.


Rights of the Data Subject


The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides the following rights for individuals:

  • The right to be informed

  • The right of access

  • The right to rectification

  • The right to erasure

  • The right to restrict processing

  • The right to data portability

  • The right to object

  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling.


If you require exercising any of these rights, please let us know using the contact form on our websites or email us at


You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your habitual residence, place of work or of an alleged infringement of the General Data Protection Regulation.

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